A photograph authentically shows U.S. President Joe Biden exiting a Nantucket bookstore holding a copy of writer Rashid ...
It doesn’t surprise me that he would go into a bookstore and get a book of history, particularly about the Middle East, to ...
Joe Biden was pictured holding a copy of a book on Friday that characterised Israel as a colonial nation in the context of ...
Joe Biden was pictured holding a copy of Rashid Khalidi's 'The Hundred Years' War on Palestine' while leaving Nantucket ...
US President Joe Biden was spotted yesterday leaving a bookstore in Nantucket, Massachusetts holding Arab-American academic ...
Ismail Khalidi, son of Columbia University professor emeritus Rashid Khalidi, has labelled US President Joe Biden a ...
Rashid Khalidi is unapologetic ... interview on WBEZ Chicago’s “Worldview,” Khalidi warned that this infestation would begin under the new president. Describing Israel supporters in terms ...
Instead, Khalidi traces a hundred years of colonial war on the Palestinians ... In reevaluating the forces arrayed against the Palestinians, it offers an illuminating new view of a conflict that ...