Students in Anatomy and Physiology learn the structure and function of the body’s organ systems (digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, etc.). Students dissect animal specimens and analyze ...
Laboratory exercises are designed to reinforce didactic material ... Students perform simple physiological tests on themselves and work in small groups to discuss conclusions. Co-req: HSCI.1010, and ...
Laboratory exercises are designed to reinforce didactic material ... Students perform simple physiological tests on themselves and work in small groups to analyze results and discuss conclusions.
The book is also useful for the laboratory animal setting. Besides the interesting comparisons on physiology and anatomy between many species maintained in a laboratory, the diagrams and ...
Anatomy and physiology have disassembled ... of his fascinating new book entitled Pavlov's Physiology Factory: Experiment, Interpretation, Laboratory Enterprise. Not only does the factory suggest ...
If you enjoyed Human Anatomy Lab and are interested in teaching it, or helping with the dissections, you may be eligible to receive academic credit for these activities.
Their work in the Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory includes research on some of today’s most prevalent conditions, including hypertension, congestive heart failure, obesity and diabetes. Student ...