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In 2024, a total of 10,437 candidates took the exam, setting a new high for the annual number of CFP exam-takers.
Neela Hummel is the co-CEO of Abacus Wealth Partners, rising through the ranks from intern to leadership over the past decade ...
Applying for retirement benefits can be confusing, and it’s all too easy to end up with permanent cuts to your benefits.
Certified financial planner Michelle Buria, managing director, clues us in on the need to know the number for retirement planning in 2025. 401k contribution limits for 2025IRA contribution limits for ...
CFP Board today announced the results of the November 2024 CFP® Certification Exam. The exam was administered during a November 6-13 testing window to 3,755 candidates, with 6% of candidates testing ...
Research suggests that you’ll spend less than you otherwise would by setting a strict budget — even if you go over the budget ...
CFP Board reveals results from November testing wave, with a record number of more than 10,000 candidates looking to earn the ...