The ACLU is currently fighting battles against debtors’ prisons in 15 different states that it has identified as violating the rights of indigent Americans. Yet even with reforms being ...
What are records? Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. In these records you will find the most recent and the most ...
Today, forty-one states do. This Article traces that history. It begins by examining how debtors’ prisons operated in early America, and then divides analysis between three phases of state ...
The short answer? No, you can't go to jail for credit card debt. I wondered the same thing when I was younger and just learning about credit cards. I even looked up if debtors' prisons were still a ...
Through the stories in A Debtors’ Prison, students will understand how aggressive policing, court fees and monetary sentencing have created a cycle of debt and incarceration in poor communities ...