RANCHI: An elephant that entered a village in Bokaro searching for food died of suffocation after falling into a narrow well ...
According to Marnewecke, the going rate for a 14-day, single elephant hunt is about $80,000. The trophy hunt limit of five elephants a year in Nyae Nyae represents real money to the San.
WASHINGTON— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today adopted new restrictions on U.S. imports of African elephant hunting trophies and live elephants but stopped short of a total ban on imports.
A documentary was released on 20th January to highlight the impact of trophy hunting on the few remaining ‘super-tusker’ elephants across East Africa.
Conservationists have renewed calls for a stop for the proposed Pan Borneo Highway stretch that cuts through the Tawai Forest ...
Botswana has lifted a ban on elephant hunting, citing growing conflict between humans and the animals, which at times destroy crops. Critics of the ban, imposed in 2014, say the restriction was ...
How would re-introducing elephant hunting affect communities and the economy in Botswana? A report by cabinet ministers in Botswana has recommended lifting a four-year hunting ban and the ...
North America's elephant seals were in imminent danger of extinction due to hunting in the 18th and ... [+] 19th centuries, but populations have since recovered due to introduced federal protections.