Eager to be first in line, the astute James VI of Scotland responded to the question of the English succession with a war of ...
With the forced abdication of his mother, Mary Stuart, in 1567 James became King of Scots at the age of one. Another troubled period of regency government ensued. A roll call of regents ensued as ...
Three of their seven children survived into adulthood. In March 1603, Elizabeth died and James became king of England and Ireland in a remarkably smooth transition of power. After 1603 he only ...
the successor to Elizabeth I, the first Stuart king of England, dodger of the Gunpowder Plot... and one of the first people to ride in a submarine? It sounds crazy, but James I (or James VI in ...
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of King James VI and I. The greatest legacy of his reign was the ...
In a way, King James I of England is lucky. His predecessor Elizabeth was one of the most powerful and infamous monarchs in history, and his successor Charles got his head chopped off.
Princess Elizabeth Stuart was buried in the south aisle of Henry VII's chapel at Westminster Abbey. She was the only surviving daughter of James VI of Scotland and I of England and his wife Anne of ...
Scotland's History Articles James VI, King of Scots 1567 - 1625, King of England and Ireland 1603 - 1625 The Adobe Flash player and Javascript are required in order to view a video which appears ...