This series takes a closer look at haiku, including some from its most famous writers like Bashō, who was instrumental in developing the poetic form. The poems, each crafted in line with a ...
No one wants to be last in any competition. Right? Only about 20% of people are concerned about being the winner or loser.
Part 1: Students will synthesize a chart with the rules of haiku poetry. They will be able to use the class ... “The History and Artistry of Haiku.” Japan Digest. Bloomington, IN: National ...
A haiku is a traditional form for poetry from Japan. Often about nature, following a strict structure of syllables per line. One famous haiku is by Bashō. Here it is in Japanese: Why not have a try?
TOKYO (AP) — Shuntaro Tanikawa, who pioneered modern Japanese poetry, poignant but conversational in its divergence from haiku and other ... circulating with the famous poets of that era ...