As soon as the Financial Aid Office has determined your financial aid awards, we will send you an award notification by email informing you that your award letter is available for review on STARS.
Federal regulation requires submission of the requested documents to the Office of Financial Aid before your award can be disbursed. Through the financial aid section in Self-Service, students can ...
Net Price - The difference between the cost of attendance and all grants and scholarships reflected on your award letter. Student Aid Index (SAI) — Your SAI is an index number that we use to determine ...
If you expect to receive other financial aid not listed on the offer letter, such as scholarships or fee waivers, please complete the Reporting Changes Form on our financial aid forms page. Be advised ...
you will then receive your WMU financial aid offer letter. If you are a new or returning student, you will receive your interactive financial aid offer letter via your WMU email. Updated offer letter ...
The types and amounts of aid we can offer you are listed on your Financial Aid Notification (offer letter). Before disbursing funds to ... either of the semesters for which you receive an aid award, ...
including the use of comparison financial aid award letters from other colleges. Important Federal/State Requirement You are required to report to Hope College any scholarships, grants, loans or ...
The Financial Aid Office has helped thousands of students enroll ... Alternative loans are also available but are not part of the initial award letter.
Make sure to frequently check this email address or forward it to another email account in order to receive important information in a timely manner, including any changes made to your Financial Aid ...