The Rosary Beads The physical "rosary" is not a Christian invention ... Prayer chains with fifty beads/pearls symbolizing the fifty Aves, clustered in five groups of ten, each of these groups ...
(Ordinarily, to "pray the Rosary" means to pray five of the 20 decades.) The name Rosary is also given to the Rosary beads themselves, which are separated into groups of ten separated by larger ...
2 The Rosary has a structure and method designed to help us more readily assimilate the mysteries into our spiritual life. Structurally, it is divided into four parts; each part, into five mysteries.
a near-exact description of the Rosary as “three times 50 Ave Marias under the title of the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin, counting their prayers on the beads of a chaplet which they held in ...