When Jacqueline Kennedy joined the Dallas presidential motorcade that November morning in 1963, her double-breasted pink suit ...
The JFK assassination archives have been trickling out for years, and with the latest batch unsealed on March 18, per ...
A John F Kennedy (JFK) expert claims one document was missing from the declassified files released by Donald Trump ...
The Kennedy family's political legacy spans generations, marked by JFK's presidency, surrounded by hope and tragedy. John F.
Queen of Pop, Madonna swiftly refused to pose on the cover of JFK Jr.s' magazine George as his mother Jackie Kennedy.
JFK was welcomed to Turner Hall in late March 1960 to great fanfare, music and more than a thousand supporters.
More than 61 years ago the shots rang out in Dallas that ultimately killed then president John F. Kennedy, while the “curse” ...
Donald Trump has promised to release more than 80,000 pages of unredacted government documents related to the assassination ...
No amount of government paperwork will give you the answers you seek or heal a 62 year old festering psychic wound.
An intel officer who was later found dead claimed that the CIA was “responsible” for the assassination of President John F ...
More than 63,000 pages of records related to the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy were released Tuesday followin ...