It looks like Null Space Labs has a new pick and place machine. This immense repair job began when [Charliex] and [Gleep] found a JukiPlacemat 360 pick and place machine. The idea of having ...
His ulterior motive? He’s the designer of the LumenPNP open-source pick-and-place machine, and is toying with the idea of a full assembly based just on this one machine. If you strapped a ...
The operator uses the Semiautomatic P&P machine to pick up a leadless Integrated Circuit, and locates a distinct feature on the IC. The machine aids the user in accurately locating the parts to a pad ...
I suffer chronic pain and have limited mobility so every second I spend on my feet has to a) count and b) avoid new injuries.
– Netherlands-based food-processing robotics startup VCU Robotics has created a pick-and-place automated salmon-handling ...