What may at first glance seem like a simple nature poem holds a deeper meaning that can teach children a lot about our world. First published in 1846, Ralph Waldo Emerson's "The Mountain and the ...
World Poetry Day is a day which celebrates all things poetry! It's aim is to encourage people to read, write and teach poetry all around the world. Poems can be about anything - a thought ...
Here, a collection of art and poems about the climate crisis written by children around the world. Because of the change, obstruction, destruction known as “Climate change”. Oh! Climate Change how ...
To capture their experiences, Save the Children invited children from countries around the world to write short poems about COVID-19 ... seeing and hearing new cases every day, putting us in a state ...
From left: Jaiveer, Arya and Nahal took part in the worldwide poetry lesson Children ... schools across the world to create one poem on Thursday, which was National Poetry Day.