Here's what homeless advocates from the NorCal Continuum of Care's Point-in-Time survey expect to find on Jan. 21, and how ...
A census later this month by Compassionate Hands and other groups is key part of plans to increase volunteers and assistance ...
When 2020 census results were released more than three years ago, they showed a 276% boom in the number of people classified ...
Two sociologists from Princeton University argue that the public was misled by 2020 census' multiracial boom findings.
The federal data shows the outsized role California plays in the nation’s homelessness crisis. Nearly a quarter of all ...
Between 2019 and 2024, the annual counts recorded a 41% increase in the number of unhoused residents statewide and a 54% ...
Fresno_Madera Continuum of Care volunteers Ashley Morris and Dylan talk with a homeless person in Fresno’s Tower District ...
They said about 100 volunteers are needed to survey Leon, Wakulla, Franklin, Gadsden, Liberty, Jefferson, Madison and Taylor ...
Accurate numbers will help nonprofits when they apply for grants from the state. This process is called the point-in-time (PIT) count.