American Primeval is a limited series released recently on Netflix. The show chronicles the brutal events leading up to the ...
"Primeval" (now streaming ... with a level of barbarity that might make even the worst "Game of Thrones" villains blush. It is not entertainment to escape into but a story you may want ...
Lights" creator Peter Berg makes the wild west look like hell on Earth in "American Primeval." There's some good between all the blood.
Hell, apparently, is Utah in 1857. At least that's the way it looks in "American Primeval," Netflix's new Western, for which "brutal" isn't a strong enough adjective. It's savage and primal and ...
from 'White Lotus' to 'Stranger Things' Netflix's Jerry Springer documentary relives chaos of TV 'circus': 'No line to draw' 'American Primeval' review: Brutal Western makes 'Game of Thrones' look ...