In this episode of The Spectacle Podcast, host Scott McKay is joined by Republican political consultant and COO of… ...
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SCOTT MCKAY, RIGHT-WING PODCASTER: If you look what happened under the attacks and 9/11 all coming out of the same group of people that has done a very good job at hiding under ...
In this episode of The Spectacle Podcast, hosts Melissa Mackenzie and Scott McKay discuss the return of healthy, true ...
International cybersecurity firm SteelGate LLC has donated $75,000 to USC Aiken to fund scholarships for students studying ...
Those of you familiar with my work know that I’ve written two political books — The Revivalist Manifesto, which was a treatise of sorts on how conservatism needs to undergo a bit of a ...
Opinions expressed are those of the author. Membership (fee-based) Scott McKay is the CTO at Kickfurther. He specializes in building complex systems and the organizations that build the systems.