Though all but the G fund posted negative returns in December, every TSP fund finished 2024 with yearly returns in the black.
or individual retirement account (IRA). For more information, visit the Thrift Savings Plan website and's TSP section.
The column touched on longevity risk and pointed workers to the retirement-income calculator on the TSP website — and it offered a few tips, including “Don’t invest your money too ...
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a retirement plan for federal employees and uniformed service members, is the nation's largest defined contribution plan, with seven million participants and over $ ...
Of note, the TSP has a section on its website devoted to withdrawals and loans. One thing to consider is the possibility that you may not be eligible for a financial hardship in-service withdrawal.
The Thrift Savings Plan is a retirement savings and investment account for federal government employees. Also known as the TSP, the Thrift Savings Plan offers similar features and benefits to a ...