Just make sure you pay in full each month. The card's generous discounts make it a valuable card for loyal Target shoppers. But if you tend to carry a balance, you'll want to look elsewhere.
“What kept coming up was this gift card is registered to somebody else. And it has a zero balance on it.” Armed with her ...
MORE: Full review of the Target Circle™ Credit Card Annual fee: $0. APR: 0% intro APR on Purchases for 12 months and 0% intro APR on Balance Transfers 12 months from account opening on ...
However, frequent Target shoppers can benefit from this no annual fee card. Below ... add up to costly interest charges if you carry a balance (and completely negate the 5% savings).
Email Rossen Reports. Target shopper Krissy Yurko got an overdraft alert on her debit card and fears she's already been victimized. "(I) noticed my bank account is pretty low and was scrolling ...