After pressure from Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, the teachers' pension fund will join a lawsuit against Target Corp. that ...
Attorney General Dave Yost has convinced the State Teachers Retirement System to sue over $5 million the pension fund lost following the backlash to some of Target's LGBTQ initiatives.
An investment firm worked extensively with the embattled former member of Ohio's retired teachers' pension fund, according to text messages found in newly released court documents.
In an escalating tiff, STRS Ohio told Attorney General Dave Yost why it hasn't joined a lawsuit against Target Corp.
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Toronto, plans to shut down its office in Hong Kong and wind down operations there over the ...
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Toronto, returned a net 9.4% in 2024, below its benchmark of 12.9%, said a March 20 news ...
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan gained 9.4% last year, driven by strong returns in stocks, venture growth and commodities.
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, the third-largest pension fund in Canada, is shutting down its Hong Kong office as it reduces ...
TPS send me a letter every year asking if my circumstances have changed. If they do then I will stop receiving my widow's ...
The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board earned a return of 9.4 per cent for 2024, helped by returns across its public equity ...
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is planning to shut down its Hong Kong office as it pares its exposure to China, according to ...
Ontario Teachers' chief executive Jo Taylor says the fund's investment portfolio is well placed to deliver strong ...