That said, we know for a fact all Clipboard Data is cleared every time the computer restarts, but how do we do it manually? In this post, we are sharing how you can turn on or off and clear ...
If you opt to also Sync these copied files/data across devices including Windows 10 and connected Android Devices, then it makes use of the cloud. To access Clipboard, press Win+V anywhere ...
You can delete the entire history by clicking on “Delete” under “Delete clipboard data” in the System > Clipboard section of the Windows settings. You can delete individual entries in the ...
If you tend to copy and paste large amounts of data as part of your workflow, you have to give up Ctrl+V in favor of the ...
Danilo Torrisi’s Command-C, my favorite utility to share the contents of the clipboard across Mac and iOS devices, has been updated today with reliability improvements for Bonjour connections, a new ...