Founded on Oct. 13, 1885, the Georgia School of Technology opened its doors in October 1888 to 84 students. The School’s creation signaled the beginning of the transformation of the agrarian South to ...
The Online Master of Science in Cybersecurity program is a fully online degree program that provides the same world-class instruction in energy systems, information security, and public policy as is ...
Are you ready to earn your master's in computer science but not ready to stop working? Do you want a top-ranked degree without the top-ranked price tag? If so, Georgia Tech has the answer. We have ...
The Health and Medical Sciences Minor is primarily geared towards students interested in pre-professional health programs or careers in medical research. The minor allows students with interests in a ...
Georgia Institute of Technology has 29 schools within the colleges of Business, Computing, Design, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Lifetime Learning. The College of Engineering at Georgia ...
Focus: building on technical interest areas including bioengineering, computer engineering, digital signal processing, electrical energy, electromagnetics, electronic design and applications, ...
The medical physics option in the doctoral program is designed for students with a specific interest in the fields of medical physics and leads to a Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Nuclear ...
Focus: preparing students to excel as professionals capable of understanding and resolving complex urban planning problems through a curriculum that gives students a broad understanding of the urban ...
The Master of Science in Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies is one of the first professional master’s degrees in foreign language and cultural studies in the United States. It emphasizes the ...
Welcome to the place at Georgia Tech where you can find lots of different undergraduate programs. We want to challenge and inspire you. You can choose from many Bachelor of Science degrees (B.S.
People depend on you to keep their workplaces safe—so when it’s time to earn your master’s degree, you shouldn’t have to leave your job to do it. The Professional Master’s in Occupational Safety and ...
The mission of the Georgia Tech PhD program in Quantitative BioSciences (QBioS) is to enable the discovery of scientific principles underlying the dynamics, structure, and function of living systems.