The course introduces four main subjects of viscous flow. The first subject treats flow at low Reynolds numbers including Couette-, pipe flow profiles and examples of Stokes flow. The second subject ...
Statistical analysis is becoming more and more complex, both because of bigger data and many types of data and because of the use of more advanced methods and models. This course deals with numerical ...
The aim of the course is to make the participants familiar with advanced statistical regression methods applied to clinical research and epidemiology. This will give the participants a better basis ...
Among other things, the course includes elementary linear algebra, the solution of equation systems, the theory of functions of several variables, including both unconstrained and constrained ...
The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
The course considers methods integral to data analysis in modern molecular medical research. As such it is relevant to all PhD students and researchers who need to analyze large-scale molecular data ...
Combining various data sources and other types of information is becoming increasingly important in various types of analyses. Certain classes of Bayesian hierarchical models have shown to be ...
This course provides an introduction to key concepts and methods in bioinformatics. Emphasis will be put on review of efficient algorithms, data structures, and techniques used in current applications ...
Financial Markets Law and Regulation matters to us all. It is about our payments, mortgages, banking, other forms of savings and pensions. It is also about Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the shares ...
Although literature and film are different forms of media, operating in dissimilar ways and producing various kinds of artistic effects, they are both narrative forms of communication. Both kinds of ...
This course aims to explore challenges and policies related to urban sustainability transformations. Emphasis is placed on the social, cultural and spatial aspects of these challenges and policies.
Why and how do human activities generate international environmental problems? How can we best account for patterns of success and failure in efforts to create or strengthen international institutions ...