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Nursing homes can conduct observational audits to support increased compliance with infection prevention practices, including hand hygiene and use of personal protective equipment. Observational ...
A minimum of 5 supervised successful procedures in both the chest and femoral sites is required (10 total). If a physician successfully performs 5 supervised lines in one site, he or she is ...
Take part in a national study to evaluate the impact of resources intended to help prevent diagnostic safety events. Diagnostic safety events are common and pervasive across all healthcare settings, ...
Review the following list of meetings in which falls risk and prevention is potentially discussed by the interdisciplinary team. For every meeting that occurs at your facility, indicate the type of ...
In 2016, AHRQ awarded a contract to develop methods and estimate the incremental inpatient financial costs and additional inpatient mortality associated with 10 selected hospital-acquired conditions ...
The AHRQ Safety Program for Long-Term Care: HAIs/CAUTI was developed and refined over a 3-year period through a national quality improvement collaborative designed to reduce CAUTIs and enhance LTC ...
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care ...
A basic principle of quality measurement is: If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. Therefore, fall rates and fall prevention practices must be counted and tracked as one component of a ...
An environment where providers are 'tuned in' to the residents. One where staff are punished for reporting safety concerns. One where people only feel comfortable to ...
After the Institute of Medicine released its sentinel report, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), in conjunction with its Federal ...