The Fifth China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers' Meeting, held on Sunday in southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu, saw extensive discussions among the foreign ministers on comprehensively advancing ...
But despite the rising trepidation about both regions, for those at t he very top of the Pentagon Asia remains the top concern, with a rapidly rearming China that senior U.S. officials say ...
The way the dinosaurs relinquished their long dominance is well known. An asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ...
The U.S. decision to allow Ukraine to fire American weapons deeper into Russia has not increased the risk of a nuclear attack, which is unlikely, despite Russian President ...
China's top legislator Zhao Leji expressed China's commitment to advancing China-Spain relations and fostering a relationship that supports the steady, long-term growth of China-Europe ties, during ...
Ukraine fired a volley of British Storm Shadow cruise missiles into Russia on Wednesday, the latest new Western weapo ...
A unified voice calling for bolder actions to decarbonize the maritime transport and ensure a green transition has been heard in the World Maritime Merchants Forum 2024, which officially concluded on ...
美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)說, 已經簽署特赦令, 特赦捲入刑事案的兒子亨特﹒拜登(Hunter Biden), 免除他被指控非法取得槍械和逃稅罪名. 將於下月離任的拜登在聲明中表示, 他曾說過不會干涉司法部的決策, 即使目睹兒子被選擇性及不公平地起訴, 他都遵守承諾, 但針對亨特的指控, 是他在國會的幾名政治對手煽動的, 並反對他當選總統. 拜登說, 一直以 ...
內地製造業活動擴張速度創五個月最快. 財新中國十一月製造業採購經理指數(PMI)報51.5, 較十月上升1.2, 遠高過市場預期的50.5, 是連續第二個月處於50以上的擴張水平, 亦是五個月以來最高. 當中, 製造業供需雙雙加快擴張, 生產指數升至今年七月以來最高, 新訂單指數更創去年三月以來超過年半最高, 受訪企業指, 需求基本面改善, 加上新產品發布等因素, ...
新城廣播有限公司董事總經理宋文禧表示, 隨著美國總統換屆、華府政策改變, 香港和國家未來一年至幾年都面對不同挑戰, 貿易、金融、創新科技等不同產業都面對不同影, 宋文禧在本台主辦的《香港經濟峰會2025》致辭時表示, 今年的峰會將從宏觀、微觀, 以至民生等方面, 集合各界智慧, 希望為香港未來經濟發展作出貢獻. 他指, 本港在剛過去的亞太區經濟合作組織(APEC)會 ...
多隻汽車股都公布最新的產銷數據. 比亞迪(01211)十一月新能源車銷量50萬6804部, 按年上升近六成八, 今年以來累計銷量375萬7336部, 按年上升四成. 吉利汽車(00175)總銷量25萬零136部, 按年上升百分之27, 當中, 旗下極氪銷量2萬7011部, 按年上升1.06倍, 領克銷量3萬2679部, 按年上升百分之9. 理想汽車( ...