Sign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily.In 1796, George Washington struck six pointed sentences from his Farewell ...
As part of those celebrations in Florida, statues of other Founding Fathers are planned to be shown in counties named after them: Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe counties. Florida is ...
while George Washington is an important national figure, he has limited historical connection to the state itself. This makes his image less meaningful as a symbol for the state," the bill states.
“The tactic of using long speeches to delay action on legislation appeared in the very first session of the Senate,” the United States ... Thomas Jefferson and George Washington added some ...
While the Trump Administration is cutting spending, the United States Senate, controlled by Republicans, is passing this new budget to increase spending. During Sen. Paul’s speech to the Senate ...
The United States began celebrating its first president when he was still a general. Nearly 300 years since George Washington’s ... Every year since 1896, the Senate has selected one of its ...
Bernie Moreno and Jon Husted took the oath of office last month after a series of dominos fell to land them in the upper chamber of Congress, with no prior experience in Washington ... "When you go to ...