Inspired by actor-comedian Kevin Hart's upbringing in North Philadelphia, "Lil Kev," a new adult animated comedy, is headed ...
A new study finds that three quarters of American adults and half of adolescents are too heavy. That's making more of us sick and creating enormous health care costs.
An international team of doctors proposed a new way to define obesity that's not based solely on BMI. Here's what they ...
New recommendations on how to define obesity would reduce the emphasis on body mass index and take into account health ...
Medical experts have urged a shift away from the Body Mass Index (BMI) as the main yardstick to determine obesity as it does not factor in body fat levels. The prevalent method is so flawed that it ...
Studies indicate that adults, particularly those in midlife ... A Prospective Observational Cohort Study" was published in Obesity Science & Practice.
It outlines 18 diagnostic criteria for clinical obesity in adults, focussing on the central nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular health, metabolism, liver, kidneys, and reproductive ...
Currently, in the United States, approximately 40% of adults are affected by obesity, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. David Cummings, an obesity expert at ...
Obesity is estimated to affect more than 1 billion people worldwide. In the U.S., about 40% of adults have obesity, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"About 40% of the adult population in America has obesity, when it's defined solely by BMI," Kushner says. But do all of ...