Elevated blood pressure variability (BPV), especially in older Black adults, is associated with lower cognitive scores, ...
The Education Ministry (MOE) will continue strengthening the School-Based Assessment (PBS) system, which replaced the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Form Three Assessment (PT3), to ensure ...
Boost your brain health as you age with cardiorespiratory fitness! New research shows how regular exercise improves cognitive function and helps prevent cognitive decline ...
But she agrees that the study robustly demonstrates the dogs are pushing buttons non-randomly and with intent. “We and dogs have evolved together over thousands of years to be communicative with each ...
The following is a summary of “Quality of cognitive-behavioural therapy in routine psychiatric care: therapist adherence and ...
An intellectually active lifestyle - in other words, the so-called cognitive reserve - has a protective effect on the ...
UGC Draft 2024 aims to democratize higher education, enhance student mobility, and promote innovation through flexible ...
Psychologists at the University of York, who tested the impact that smartphones have on children's behaviour for a new two-part documentary series for ...
Every day that we delay updating DSM-5 threat criteria, preventable tragedies unfold. Lives depend on urgent action, and we ...
The Welsh Rugby Union have introduced a new service that will provide free brain health assessments for former players. The ...
Pervert Nathan Scriven was caught trying to meet a '14-year-old gild' at a church near his North Staffordshire home. The ...
EU Commission and scientific agencies systematically excluded critical scientific studies reporting adverse effects caused by ...