A new report has identified several factors that can strongly predict at age 60 if people will develop dementia by 80, ...
New research shows that people with better cardiorespiratory fitness scored higher across five cognitive health domains. The ...
BrainSee is designed to predict the likelihood of progression from MCI to Alzheimer’s dementia within 5 years, allowing ...
A recent study finds walking slower might be an early sign of future dementia, but there are ways to prevent that from ...
She seemed, in the words of a researcher who observed her for years, the gold standard for healthy ageing. After almost a ...
Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods is associated with higher blood pressure and lower cognitive performance, even in ...
New research from Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggests that living in a disadvantaged neighborhood is ...
New research suggests Alzheimer's drugs may improve cognition by increasing Aβ42 levels rather than just reducing plaques, ...
Using Freedom of Information laws, ITV Wales asked all of Wales' health boards for data on the longest waits patients had ...
New research from Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggests that living in a disadvantaged neighborhood is associated with higher blood pressure and lower cognitive scores, even among people ...