Jaipur: A cotton trader in Sriganganagar filed an FIR Tuesday alleging he received a Rs 5 crore extortion call on WhatsApp in the name of gangster Rohit Godara. Police posted security personnel ...
According to media reports, Yadav was killed in Stockton, California. A Facebook account, named Rohit Godara, who claimed to be associated with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, claimed responsibility ...
Gangster Rohit Godara, a close aide of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, has claimed the responsibility of gunning down Sunil Yadav. According to him, it was an act of revenge. Yadav originally ...
Gangster Rohit Godara, known to be part of Lawrence Bishnoi gang, has claimed responsibility for Sunil Yadav's killing. "He had worked with Punjab police to get our brother Ankit Bhadu killed in ...
Yadav, a fugitive, was wanted in a 1 quintal 20 kg heroin smuggling case registered against him in Jodhpur, Rajasthan The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication on February 2 ...
The gang’s member, Rohit Godara, claimed responsibility for the murder in a social media post, stating it was an act of revenge for the killing of Ankit Bhadu, a Bishnoi gang shooter ...
The gangs of Goldy Brar and Rohit Godara claimed responsibility for the incident. The victim, Sunil Yadav, was a resident of Punjab's Fazilka and had fled to the US two years ago, using a fake ...