For the first time in at least 14 years, state officials will release updated fire maps for Southern California on Monday, ...
Summer is traditionally thought to be the hottest sales season, but Houston’s most expensive homes were most often sold in ...
Rising property taxes are driving American retirees out of the country's most expensive states and straight into the cheapest ones, according to recent data analyzed by real estate market research ...
A Myrtle Beach area national chain restaurant’s location is for sale on LoopNet. Here’s the asking price for the property.
One euro homes are back on the menu in Italy, where a town called Penne is making it easier for Australians to land their hands on budget-friendly properties.
A largely vacant Renaissance Center tower in downtown Detroit has commanded a high bid of $9.2 million during a three-day ...
Palm Beach house on Kings Road near Trump's Mar-a-Lago fetches $14 million. It's the fifth property to sell in the security zone within three months.
Saudi Arabia has created a map of architectural styles in the Kingdom as it looks to create 34,000 jobs and hit $2.1bn ...
The Old Farmer's Almanac released a colorful and informative "How Soon You Can Plant" map, which shows each U.S. region's ...
China will take steps to revive consumption by boosting people’s incomes, the official Xinhua News Agency reported on Sunday, ...
The post Young Adults Are Reviving Small Towns—and They're Moving at the Highest Rate in a Decade appeared first on Real ...