has recently been reignited by two prominent figures from Shark Tank India—Namita Thapar and Anupam Mittal. Their heated exchange on the subject, aired during an interview with Humans of Bombay ...
Also read | Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance During a recent interview with Humans of Bombay, Namita Thapar expressed her view on work-life balance, saying people who own ...
The debate over a 70-hour workweek in India is fueled by conflicting views from Shark Tank's Namita Thapar and Anupam Mittal. Thapar condemns the idea, highlighting health impacts and financial ...
Shark Tank India 4 saw two 19-year-old founders who had appeared on the show to pitch their education start-up idea to the ...
Anupam Mittal and Aman Gupta's trick questions threw a young entrepreneur off, as she pitched her lifestyle brand on the ...