Higher cardiorespiratory fitness in older age is linked to the preservation of several core aspects of cognitive ability that ...
It’s time we considered requiring individuals over the age of 60 who have health issues affecting their driving to retake the ...
Higher cardiorespiratory fitness in older age is linked to the preservation of several core aspects of cognitive ability that ...
Roche is developing the tests in partnership with Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and ...
Many drugs commonly prescribed to the elderly have anticholinergic properties ... toxicity are likely to be nonspecific (e.g., cognitive impairment) and reflect the effects of cumulative ...
The orbitofrontal (OFC) occupies the front part of the brain right above the eyes. It’s associated with reward valuation, ...
Study Identifies Potential New Drug for Parkinson's-Related Cognitive Decline ... of day when blood is taken can affect the results of tests for diagnosing dementia, according to new ...
However, if left untreated, depression may result in the onset of physical, cognitive and social impairment ... Depression in Elderly Patients. Geriatric Nursing, 18, 192-199 NIH Consensus ...
The big story: It’s getting to be crunch time for Florida high school seniors. As they near the ... be kicking off preparations for alternative tests, such as the SAT and ACT, which will be ...
The big story: It’s getting to be crunch time for Florida high school seniors. As they near the end of the first ... They’ll also be kicking off preparations for alternative tests, such as the SAT and ...