An archive has revealed a handwritten copy of a 200-year-old poem originally written to prove rhyming is easy after an ...
The poem, '40 Love' has been hailed on social media as both 'beautiful' and 'genius' with it's unusual layout mimicking a ...
Physics and poetry both distil complexity into clarity. Learn how poetic structure can shape and express scientific ideas.
विश्व में कविताओं के लेखन, पठन, प्रकाशन और शिक्षण के लिए नए लेखकों को प्रोत्साहित करने के उद्देश्य से मनाये जाने वाले 'विश्व ...
Surbhi Gupta Publisher: White Falcon Publishing  Price: Rs 699/- ‘Mother, why can’t I be like them? Because you are meant to ...
A children's poetry competition run by the BBC and the Latitude festival is expanding to cover three counties. The winner ...
If you’ve ridden the Toronto subway lately, you may have stumbled upon an unexpected bit of poetry in the ad space on the car. Maybe it was a haiku by Martin Gomes about the eternal nature of ...
I'm falling for a man who's a writer, poet and musician. He lives a modest live, though, and I'm worried, though, he won't ...
Ever wonder how to keep your team motivated? How to let them know they are valued, cherished and appreciated? Providing ...
In a simple literary event, Jammu and Kashmir BJP President, Sat Sharma (CA), along with former minister Choudhary Sukhnandan ...
Robert Frost presented himself as a simple man. Not for him the literary ... preferring instead to let his poems find their natural audience, which turned out to be a wide one.