Superman and Lois,” the CW show centering Clark Kent, Lois Lane and their sons, Jonathan and Jordan, has been running since February 2021. While Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Jonathan Kent are all ...
James Gunn has revealed a Civil War and Annihilation alum will serve as the cinematographer for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.
DC fans might have seen a fully realized Brainiac and possibly even Darkseid in Superman & Lois if the Arrowverse-adjacent ...
Superman & Lois showrunners Todd Helbing and Brent Fletcher break down the finale's biggest moments, including those shocking ...
Superman & Lois‘ series finale, which earned an “A” from TVLine readers, helped the show’s titular duo reach an emotionally ...
After an enthralling four-season run, Superman & Lois has finally concluded while achieving the distinction of being the best ...
Superman & Lois was the last series based on DC Comics characters to air at the network. It was also the last connection to ...
There was no Conner Kent in Superman and Lois and yet there were Jonathan and Jordan Kent, who became the Superboys. If only ...
The finale of Superman & Lois was a beautiful finale that brought the Arrowverse to a close and ranks among the best TV ...
Major spoilers for the series finale of Superman & Lois, “It Went by So Fast,” lie ahead.
Tyler Hoechlin's Superman fought Doomsday in Superman & Lois. The question is, whether they copied Henry Cavill's scene or ...
Liza Minnelli is bringing her life story to both the page and, potentially, the TV screen.