A Ukrainian delegation to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington will make the case that Russia threatens the religious ...
When Oleg Rostovtsev hovered between life and death after a serious operation last April, he asked friends and family to do ...
A church that supports the ideology of the "Russian world" has no place in an independent state. "The Moscow Patriarchate is ...
Münster ‐ Der russische Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine hat auch eine starke religiöse Komponente: Wegen angeblicher Nähe zu ...
The Trump administration will embrace and uphold the core American value of religious freedom and expand protections for ...
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said an elevated U.S. security partnership with South Korea and Japan poses a grave threat to ...
Such an effort to concentrate authority in an all-controlling executive has a striking parallel in Europe: the remaking of Hungary under its longtime prime minister, Viktor Orban. Since coming to ...
President Baretzky of ECIPS European Union State Security Agency Condemns Pope Francis' Call for Forgiveness Amidst Ukrainian-Russian Conflict ...
It has been several weeks since North Korean soldiers were spotted in Russia's southwestern Kursk region, according to Ukraine.
Schon am 16. Jänner wies demnach das Oberste Gericht der Ukraine die Klage der Eparchie Tschernihiv gegen diesen Entscheid zurück. Der Fall war durch mehrere Instanzen gegangen und dauerte fast zwei ...
If President Donald Trump is going to “protect” Christianity, the editorial staff of the National Catholic Reporter isn’t ...