In a groundbreaking move, Report Ocean, a pioneer in innovative technology solutions, is set to transform the Hydrographic Survey Equipment Market. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and ...
At the bottom of the oceans and seas lie more than 8,500 shipwrecks from two world wars. These wrecks have been estimated to ...
Few Americans use terminology that is commonly deemed as “woke,” according to a new survey. In the YouGov survey, under a quarter of Americans polled said they “regularly use” words and ...
SOCOTEC UK, a leader in testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) within the construction and environmental sectors, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd ...
"Our Ping-to-Chart solution is now complete with the inclusion of the simplest acquisition software available for hydrographic survey operations whilst providing significant reductions in ship to ...
designed for hydrographic and seabed classification applications.It will also carry a high-resolution colour still image camera, plus a range of environmental sensors for oceanographic surveys, ...
Washington comes to grips with the reality that the domestic intermodal equation includes four modes. One of them is by water.
However, evidence that there was much more to the story began to arrive in the 1800s as the first successful oceanographic surveys returned to port. The advent of sonar allowed for the first in ...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is set to implement a series of major revisions to its long-term care survey guidelines, effective February 2025. The changes, which were shared in ...