Isaiah 62:1-5; Responsorial Psalm PS 96:1-3,7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 & Gospel John 2:1-11. Sunday Synopsis In the first reading, the Prophet Isaiah brings a message of hope that the nations will ...
Sunday of Ordinary Time year C ✠ A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John 2:1-11 There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also ...
We are embraced by a moral order. What we call good and evil are not just preferences that this or that set of individuals ...
On her 80th birthday, Carolyn Ancell looks back before looking forward to an exciting new stage of the spiritual life.
In A Whole Life in Twelve Movies, authors Kathleen Norris and Gareth Higgins seed fruitful conversation and fulfill the human ...
The great epistle to the Galatians gives you more autobiographical data to sink your teeth into than all the others combined. It also has a big word to mull over.