Directed by Justin Kurzel, the series charts the life of Dorrigo Evans, played by Elordi as a young man and Hinds as an older man, including his love story with Amy (Young) and his time in a POW camp.
Sue Deeks, head of BBC programme acquisition, said: "The Narrow Road to the Deep North is a complex, beautiful, and ...
Jacob Elordi drama series “The Narrow Road to the Deep North” has been acquired by the BBC for the U.K.
Carol A. Cates, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, is the chief nursing officer at Odessa Regional Medical Center. You can reach her via e ...
The partnership called the H-E-B Feast of Sharing, hopes to deliver food to homebound neighbors in the community ...
HEB has partnered with Meals on Wheels Odessa to celebrate by delivering more than 700 holidays meals to homebound neighbors, ...
Texas oil town Odessa and Denver joined the top 10 US metropolitan areas with the highest weekly wages over the past year.
With the Christmas season right around the corner, the City of Odessa is planning to host several of its annual events ...
The Odessa City Council discussed key topics Tuesday night, including the appointment of an interim city manager.
“Deliver Me from Nowhere,” which is filming all over Jersey, is about the making of Springsteen’s 1982 album “ Nebraska .” ...
The Odessa City Council got to work at the first City Council meeting since the three new members and Mayor, were sworn in; ...