GC Biopharma reported on the 24th that its consolidated operating profit for the previous year was 32.1 billion won, a decrease of 6.8% compared to the previous year. During the same period, sales ...
The proposal to introduce a concentrated voting system at Korea Zinc passed at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on the 23rd. However, the election of directors through the ...
Members of the popular girl group NewJeans, who are in a dispute over their exclusive contract with their agency, are soliciting new activity names. NewJeans /Courtesy of News1 HAEIN (from left) and ...
김용현 전 국방부장관이 23일 헌법재판소에서 열린 윤석열 대통령 탄핵심판 심리에 증인으로 나와 “계엄 선포 직후 최상목 경제부총리에게 전달된 문건에 기재된 비상입법기구는 헌법 76조에 ...
프로야구 NC 다이노스가 23일 2025시즌 연봉 재계약 대상자(FA, 비FA 다년 계약, 외국인, 신인 제외) 68명과 계약을 완료했다. 외야수 권희동이 1억 5000만 원에서 50% 인상된 2억 2500만 원에 사인하며 ...
President Yoon Suk Yeol arrived at the Constitutional Court in Jae-dong, Jongno District, Seoul, at around 12:47 p.m. on the 23rd. As was the case on the 21st, the vehicle carrying President Yoon ...
Korea Oracle announced on the 23rd that it has provided Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) to five domestic startups. The five companies have advanced their software-as-a-service (SaaS) based smart ...
LG전자(066570)가 지난해 사상 처음으로 연간 매출액 87조원을 돌파했다. 그러나 하반기로 갈수록 수익성이 나빠져 연간 영업이익은 전년 대비 감소했다. 특히 물류비 부담 등으로 작년 4분기에는 ...
Hyundai Motor recorded the largest sales in history in the global market last year due to the increase in sales of high-value-added vehicles, including hybrid vehicles and the Genesis brand. However, ...
Last year, South Korea's economic growth rate was recorded at 2%. This is the seventh lowest level in historical growth rates. The state of emergency and the subsequent impeachment, along with the ...
23일 이재명 더불어민주당 대표 신년기자회견의 핵심은 ‘대선용 우클릭’이다. 당 강령에 ‘기본사회’를 명시한 지 5개월 만에 공약을 재검토하고, ‘성장’을 제1과제로 배치했다. 이른바 ...
The Trump administration has embarked on a major government restructuring. On the 22nd (local time), U.S. President Donald Trump is in the Oval Office /Courtesy of Reuters=Yonhap News. According to ...