Mark Leon Goldberg is the executive editor of UN Dispatch ...
It’s a new day in Damascus. But what about New York? For the last 14 years, the United Nations’ role in Syria has been relegated to the circumscribed (but vital) task of supporting the humanitarian ...
When the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, it had all the makings of a monumental catastrophe. The Secretary-General at the time, Ban Ki-moon, was not the same kind of jet-setting international peace ...
Listeners will no doubt remember the devastating Ebola outbreak of 2014–2016. More than 28,600 people were infected, and 11,325 people... Republicans will soon control the House of Representatives, ...
Hunger will be the humanitarian disaster of 2017. The UN already declared a full fledged famine in parts of South Sudan last month, and three other situations around ...
With Richard Holbrooke's passing, there's a great deal of discussion about the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnian and Herzegovina, better known as the Dayton Accords. Given the fact that ...
It is dangerous to allow multinational corporations a prominent role in the climate negotiations. This risk was made evident by a letter Greenpeace uncovered on the last day of the Cancun conference.
New platforms to pay individual medical costs.
The scion of Ted Turner is forging a new philanthropic path.
Some dramatic footage has just emerged from the nabbing of Ivory Coast strongman Laurent Gbagbo on Monday.
Fine foie gras is about to become much more expensive. The French Ministry of Agriculture has made the drastic decision this week to slaughter all farmed ducks in the main foie gras region of the ...
Rebecca Hamilton on PBS News Hour discusses some of the challenges faced by the new Republic of South Sudan.