Founded on Oct. 13, 1885, the Georgia School of Technology opened its doors in October 1888 to 84 students. The School’s creation signaled the beginning of the transformation of the agrarian South to ...
The Master of Real Estate Development at Georgia Tech is a collaborative academic program offering a technical, design-based degree that also explores the business, planning, and policy components of ...
Focus: examining the application of radiation to medicine, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Blank Space (small) (text and background only visible when logged in) Medical ...
The Online Master of Science in Cybersecurity program is a fully online degree program that provides the same world-class instruction in energy systems, information security, and public policy as is ...
People depend on you to keep their workplaces safe—so when it’s time to earn your master’s degree, you shouldn’t have to leave your job to do it. The Professional Master’s in Occupational Safety and ...
The Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in City and Regional Planning prepares students to serve in a range of settings such as universities, planning consultancies, research and development firms, ...
Focus: advancing knowledge and research in areas such as bioengineering, computer engineering, digital signal processing, electrical energy, electromagnetics, electronic design and applications, ...
Focus: advancing study and research emphasizing topics such as deterministic optimization, probabilistic models and their applications, simulation, and mathematical statistics.
The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences offers a minor with seven different tracks. These specific tracks are designed to give non-majors a background in the environmental and global change ...
Focus: offering an inclusive design approach that is dedicated to the creation and development of products, systems, services, and environments that are usable as well as responsive to individual and ...
Are you ready to earn your master's in computer science but not ready to stop working? Do you want a top-ranked degree without the top-ranked price tag? If so, Georgia Tech has the answer. We have ...