The game opens with Link receiving a letter from Zelda, instructing him to meet her before some big ceremony later that day. You'll find yourself in the Knight Academy. The only thing to do here is ...
Eldin Volcano can be found in the northwest corner of the map. We haven't fully explored the western portion of Hyrule Field yet, so there are a number of collectibles that can be picked up on the way ...
Warp over to Lueberry's House to continue the main quest. When you arrive General Wright and Minister Lefte will explain that the last large rift is at Hyrule Castle and they will begin heading that ...
As soon as you leave the Still World from the Suthorn Ruins dungeon, Minister Lefte will approach and ask where we are. You reveal yourself to be Zelda and catch her up. She reveals that the location ...
Given for showing a man a Peahat echo in Suthorn Village as part of the "Finding the Flying Plant" side quest. There are two ponds on the west side of Suthorn Prarie. In the northern one, dive to the ...
Please click the link below to go to the part of the game you need help overcoming: ...
Once you proceed to the next part of the game, you will find yourself within a cell in some dungeon. You won't be able to do much for a few minutes, so you can either run in a pointless circle, or ...
Now that we've completed Bottle Grotto, there's plenty of optional things to do and collect. If you're only interested in completing the main quest, feel free to skip ahead. Head left back through the ...
There's now only one more dungeon to complete and not much else before Link's Awakening is wrapped up. So let's get to it. After exiting Eagle's Tower, jump off the ledge to the right and then enter ...
Before setting out – be sure to get the Sand Rod from Ravio's shop. Now from the shop – go south until you pass down to the next area. Go to the southwest towards the desert on the map. There will be ...
Welcome to the final dungeon of Skyward Sword, the Sky Keep. Start off by running straight ahead and opening the chest to get the Dungeon Map. If you look at the map, you'll notice that the rooms ...
The following are pieces of gear or equipment that Link can equip and use on his quest. Many of them are dungeon items. They are listed alphabetically. Bombs can be obtained from the shop in Mabe ...