The Fifth China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers' Meeting, held on Sunday in southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu, saw extensive discussions among the foreign ministers on comprehensively advancing ...
The U.S. decision to allow Ukraine to fire American weapons deeper into Russia has not increased the risk of a nuclear attack, which is unlikely, despite Russian President ...
The way the dinosaurs relinquished their long dominance is well known. An asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ago, triggering a horrific mass extinction. But the way the dinosaurs - modest ...
A unified voice calling for bolder actions to decarbonize the maritime transport and ensure a green transition has been heard in the World Maritime Merchants Forum 2024, which officially concluded on ...
港股繼續在十天線爭持, 大市今早輕微高開18點後, 半日最多升過266點, 但高位有阻力, 恒生指數續在十天線附近爭持, 最新報19497點, 升73點. 新經濟股個別發展, 但美團(03690)業績後一度急跌半成, 最新跌百分之2, 騰訊(00700)窄幅上落繼續在400元徘徊, 阿里巴巴(09988)上升, 百度(09888)升近百分之2, 京東(09618)及網易(09999 ...
政府今日起就簡樸房規管制度, 展開約兩個月諮詢, 建議將來可出租的劏房, 必須符合一系列的最低標準, 業主如果出租不合標準的單位, 便需要負上刑事責任, 而租客就不涉及法律責任. 政府建議, 出租不達標劏房單位的人士, 包括業主和「二房東」, 一經定罪, 最高可判罰款30萬元及監禁3年; 至於在登記或認證制度下, 提供虛假資料或作虛假陳述, 當局建議最高可判罰款10萬元以及監禁3個 ...
Taiwan President Lai Ching-te held a 20-minute call with former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday during a visit to Hawaii, during which they discussed China's military thre ...
Cambodia's Angkor Archaeological Park made 41.9 million U.S. dollars from ticket sales in the first 11 months of 2024, up 28.7 percent from 32.54 million dollars over the same period last year, said a ...
立陶宛外交部早前將中國駐當地代辦處三名外交人員, 列為不受歡迎人物, 要求他們限期離境. 在北京, 外交部表示, 中方對此粗暴挑釁行徑, 表示强烈譴責和堅決反對. 外交部說, 眾所周知, 立陶宛在涉台問題上, 嚴重違反一個中國原則, 背棄雙方建交公報中所作政治承諾, 導致雙方關係陷入嚴重困難. 兩國關係降級3年來, 立陶宛反而變本加厲, 一再破壞雙邊關係. 中方要求 ...
At least 25 people were killed in northwestern Syria in air strikes carried out by the Syrian government and Russia, the Syrian opposition-run rescue service known as the White Helmets said early on M ...
運輸及物流局表示, 北環綫主綫項目建造工程預計明年展開, 目標2034年完工, 當局正爭取今年内, 與深圳當局就支綫的推展安排達成共識, 由港鐵在明年初展開詳細規劃及設計 ...
港鐵表示, 屯門南延綫項目將會以高架橋形式延伸, 興建兩個新車站, 連接至屯門碼頭, 整個工程目標在2030年完工. 港鐵指, 全長約1.7公里高架橋工程明年展開, 高架橋有七成半位處屯門河的上方, 包括一條約250米的跨河鐵路橋, 為了盡量減少對河道功能的影響, 高架橋將會靠岸興建, 並盡量減少橋墩數目, 減低佔用河道面積.