He wrote of a harvest feast the Pilgrims shared with the Wampanoag over three days in late autumn. The meal would have looked unfamiliar to people who associate Thanksgiving with green bean ...
The latest iteration of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, dubbed the Drexel Route, was announced in mid-February, while ...
Thanksgiving in the US is traditionally a time for family and food. American schoolchildren typically learn that the tradition dates back to the Pilgrims, who helped establish Plymouth Colony in ...
Especially because the traditional "first Thanksgiving" story taught in schools tends to erase the true history, with children dressed up as "Pilgrims" and historically inaccurate "Indians." ...
Despite popular lore, she says Thanksgiving was not created by the Pilgrims. In fact, she says Thanksgiving was officially declared as the last Thursday in November by Abraham Lincoln at the ...
The Trump Administration Should Confront It The pilgrims are a little complicated for us moderns. They were dissidents and nonconformists and in some sense civil libertarians, and at the same time ...
Thinking of Lent as a pilgrimage has the potential to be a helpful way to begin our reflection for this Sunday’s readings.
The first Thanksgiving was observed in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621. A good autumn harvest led the Pilgrims to hold a feast to give thanks that lasted for three days. On October 3, 1789 ...