In the heart of Japan lies an abandoned villa hiding a secret: a million-dollar art collection. Witness the haunting beauty of marble statues and rare artifacts in this urbex journey! Maddow Blog ...
Learn more. For more information on how we test products, click here. You don’t understand a car manufacturer until you visit their factory, and that’s especially true for Lamborghini. History, ...
Sneha, a Spanish citizen, has returned to India in search of her biological mother, who had abandoned her and her brother 20 years ago. However, 21-year-old Sneha is running out of time as she has ...
I am forever intrigued by abandoned buildings in Wisconsin. Nothing is more fascinating than looking at abandoned places and imagining what life must have been like when they were in use. Whether it’s ...
Despite being just an hour-and-a-half’s drive from Madrid, this abandoned town really feels a world away from the hustle and bustle of the Spanish capital, famed for its incredible architecture ...
Four puppies were abandoned in northern Ont. Animal lovers in the Markstay-Warren area are grateful to their community stepping up to help four abandoned puppies.
A newborn has been found dead inside a "thermal cradle" left for abandoned babies at a church in Italy, according to multiple news reports. On the morning of Thursday, Jan. 2, the baby boy's ...
Major Michael Nunn with the Florence County Sheriff's Office reported that deputies located the child Friday morning at approximately 6:50 a.m., abandoned outside a residence on Cale Yarborough ...
Durham neighbors tried for more than a decade to get an abandoned home in the Woodcroft neighborhood torn down with no luck. The city has started tearing down the home at 109 Old Fox Trail in Durham.
Over decades, these chemicals at the abandoned factory site had been slowly seeping into the surrounding environment, creating a persistent health hazard for people who live in nearby areas.
In the beachside Melbourne suburb of Frankston is an old brick house that has been left abandoned for thirty years. Last sold in 1985, the house has spent decades as a haunt for local teenagers ...