FIRST ON FOX: The White House on Monday afternoon rolled out a new social media account aimed to hold "fake news accountable." "Welcome to the official Rapid Response account of the Trump 47 White ...
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He claims that his budget will promote an “efficient and leaner” government, yet his plan is neither. The Newsom budget would increase spending by around 8% year over year. When you consider ...
"I look forward to … Davos to talk about this critical issue and how my administration is stepping up to hold Big Tech accountable." In terms of addressing Big Tech’s alleged role in ...
Congressional Democrats have promised to hold Republicans accountable for President Trump pardoning more than 1,500 Jan. 6 defendants on the day he was sworn into office. On Tuesday, Senate ...
my hope is that Americans start holding politicians at all levels — and of all parties — accountable for campaigning on empty promises. I plan on remaining optimistic regardless. I’d love to ...
WHENEVER private educational institutions fail to follow the rules laid down by government agencies under the State's oversight powers, there are legal consequences, the most severe of which is that ...
The ceremony also honored those who participated in the "Role of the Family in Islam" course, which focused on promoting family values and equipping preachers with the knowledge and skills needed ...
“Anyone who harms a law enforcement officer should be held fully accountable for their actions, and presidents should not issue blanket, preemptive pardons for their family members in the final ...