The Australian children's television show follows the life of Bluey, an inexhaustible 7-year-old blue heeler puppy who lives with her mum, dad and little sister Bingo, according to an online ...
These days, BLUEY is everywhere — including the toy aisle! LEGO just announced a BLUEY collection is coming soon.
And whether you have kids or not, if you’re a Bluey fan, you’ll be ecstatic to know that Bluey LEGO sets are coming this year ...
I want to give a long, slow, non-condescending clap to all the parents out there! You did it! You’ve made it through the ...
Dance mode activated! Fans of the animated show Bluey and LEGO have something to celebrate: The LEGO Group and BBC Studios have announced a partnership that brings Bluey's world to LEGO. This marks ...
In 2025, retailers and consumers can anticipate shelves with new playsets, plush, collectibles, craft kits, and more.
PSA: Valentine’s Day is coming up, people! I know you’re still getting over the holiday rush and into the swing of the New Year, but I don’t want you to lose track of the Lover’s Holiday being about a ...
As part of a new collaboration, and the first ever LEGO Bluey sets will be released this summer — for real life!
As far as kids shows go, Bluey is one that most kids (and their parents) can't get enough of. Bluey and Bingo go through normal experiences that most kids face, like being stressed about moving to a ...
Bluey is getting its first-ever LEGO sets later this year, following the announcement of a new partnership between the toy maker and BBC Studios.