If you wish to save income tax on long term capital gains from sale of any specified asset like equities, land, real estate ...
Selling your longtime home and downsizing in retirement is a common practice for people entering their golden years. While ...
If you’re preparing for a business sale, start tax planning early. A well-structured tax strategy can save millions of ...
If you’ve owned an asset for a year or longer before selling it, you’ll be taxed at a long-term capital gains rate, which is ...
The Chubby FIRE Reddit community shares advice for someone who wants to maximize the benefits of the 0% long-term capital ...
In a significant decision, the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai bench, distinguished between a legal owner (an ...
Devin Thomas, a senior analyst at the Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice, explained that because capital ...
The CRA said it is “working diligently to update its systems” for anyone trying to file a capital gains statement.
For shareholders of a company undergoing an acquisition, the QSBS exclusion can result in substantial tax savings. If the stock qualifies for Section 1202 treatment, shareholders can exclude up to 100 ...
Canada and Chinese tariffs, the CFIB is urging government and all parties to find a way to fix the outstanding tax matters.