During his groundbreaking 16-year Uncanny X-Men run, Chris Claremont transformed Marvel's Merry Mutants into the pop culture phenomenon they are today. Now, his unparalleled impact on the ...
There are few writers as synonymous with the X-Men as Chris Claremont, whose initial run with the team lasted 16 years. In the decades since, he's returned from time to time, and now, Claremont is ...
Credit: Marvel Comics There are few writers as synonymous with the X-Men as Chris Claremont, whose initial run with the team lasted 16 years. In the decades since, he's returned from time to time ...
Milgrom says that the mini-series was powered Wolverine being the "hottest property around", Kitty Pryde being "Chris' baby", and Claremont wanting to develop the character further. And Milgrom ...
"During his groundbreaking 16-year run of Uncanny X-Men, Chris Claremont transformed Marvel's Merry Mutants into the pop culture phenomenon they are today. Now, his unparalleled impact on the ...
We were thrilled Chris was ready to show what happened in that intervening window. Why was Kitty in such a different headspace when they got back? And hey, where’d Kitty’s father get to?
Marvel Comics “It’s really great returning to this arc, especially since it’s being presented by a wonderful artist, Damian Couceiro,” Chris Claremont said in a statement. “It’s the ...
Chris Pratt shared that his home survived the catastrophic Los Angeles wildfires that tragically burned down his ex-wife Anna Faris’ house. “All right, I’m going to go check out my house ...
Chris Brown is taking legal action months after a documentary exploring his alleged history of violence was released. The singer-songwriter sued Warner Bros. Discovery and several others for their ...
Chris Brown claims a 2024 documentary focused on the sexual-assault and -abuse allegations against him is defamatory. The singer is suing Warner Bros. Discovery for $500 million over Chris Brown ...