The Catholic conspirator jumped or fell from the gallows on this day in 1606, breaking his neck before the executioner could ...
By the Victorian era, the date had become known as Guy Fawkes Day. The anarchic activity seen before was now frowned upon. Local worthies clamped down on the worst excesses, magistrates issued ...
I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.” Ask anyone in the U.K. about Guy Fawkes, and they'll most likely quote you this poem. The fifth of November is a day when we remember one ...
But lately, the day has bordered on becoming an American version of Guy Fawkes Day. Electing presidents is tricky business. In fact, our Constitution creates a procedure to make certain that our ...
Remember, remember the fifth of November. It’s Guy Fawkes Day in the U.K., which means millions of folks there will be enjoying fireworks displays. Let’s see if we can spark another ...
Guy Fawkes was born in April 1570 in York ... the king would have been sitting for the opening of parliament the next day. The foiling of the plot had been expertly engineered by James I's ...
What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What turned him from a radical who wanted change to an extremist willing to kill? Foreign correspondent Jason Burke has ...
Today is Guy Fawkes Day, a day where the U.K. celebrates the foiling of a plot to kill King James I in 1605. The country celebrates this by lighting fireworks and, in a morbid twist, burning an ...
The anniversary of Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot is a perfect time to remember Bitcoin as truth, and to move another step closer to obsoleting the parasitic nature of the current system. On what better ...
1. Guy Fawkes Night, November 5 – United Kingdom What occasion is more worth celebrating than the day when a plot to blow up the parliament building failed? Every year on November 5, Brits ...