If any liability towards unpaid expenditure is incurred by a person in a year and paid by such person in any subsequent year, ...
ITAT Pune held that addition toward unexplained expenditure is liable to be deleted since assessee inadvertently mentioned ‘commission expense’ instead of actual ‘construction expenses. Accordingly, ...
Held: In the instant case, the disallowance of interest expenses was made by AO by taking view that assessee had shown ...
A recent Fidelity survey found 35% of Americans are worried about being able to pay bills while 33% are stressed about debt.
A client's immediate health needs make saving their accounts until they're 65 or over a difficult endeavor, and the accounts carry some highly specific rules.
David Kindness is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an expert in the fields of financial accounting, corporate and individual tax planning and preparation, and investing and retirement planning.
Net interest income for the fourth quarter of 2024 totaled $61.2 million, an increase of $1.5 million from the third quarter ...
As an employer, one of the most important aspects of building a competitive benefits package is offering your employees ...
Do you have supporting forms and receipts in hand? Here's what to know about tax-filing season for Arizona and federal ...
It can be financially feasible to retire when projected retirement income equals or exceeds projected retirement expenses. In ...
While you can’t avoid paying taxes altogether, there are several strategies that can help you lower your taxable income, maximize deductions, and take advantage of tax-deferred growth.
A special needs trust (SNT) and an Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account each provide a tax-free way for people ...